Lifeline | 131 114 |
Beyond Blue Depression and Anxiety Helpline | 1300 224 636 |
Suicide Callback Service | 1300 659 467 |
Domestic Violence Hotline | 1800 656 463 |
1800 Respect Information and support for those who’ve experienced sexual assault or domestic/family violence | 1800 737 732 |
Red Nose 24 hour support for parents/families who’ve lost a child during pregnancy, birth, infancy or childhood | 1300 308 307 |
SANDS 24 hour support for those who’ve experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth or the death of a baby | 1300 072 637 |
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia (PANDA) Support and counselling for antenatal and postnatal depression | 1300 726 306 |
Victoria Legal Aid | 1300 792 387 |