

> Other helpful information

Other helpful information

General Support

There are a number of perinatal wellbeing helplines, resources and services .

Find a comprehensive list of support services

Workplace Support

Employee Assistance Programs

Many Australian companies have an Employee Assistance Program(EAP) where workers can access free, confidential support designed to enhance the emotional, mental and general psychological wellbeing of all employees. It often includes services for immediate family members. The aim is to provide preventive and proactive interventions for the early detection, identification and/or resolution of both work and personal problems that may adversely affect performance and wellbeing. These problems and issues may include, but are not limited to, relationships, health, trauma, substance abuse, gambling and other addictions, financial problems, depression, anxiety disorders, communication problems, legal and coping with change.

Information relating to an organisation’s EAP typically resides with HR or a wellbeing team, and is often advertised on company intranet / policy documents so that employees can access the service anonymously, thereby removing a barrier for seeking help.

Fair Work Australia

Fair Work Australia provides information and advice regarding workplace rights and obligations.

Find out more through Fair Work

Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)

The AHRC provides guides to help employers and employees understand the laws that relate to pregnancy, parental leave and return to work, as well as information on where employees can access assistance and the various avenues for making a complaint. It includes relevant publications produced by the Fair Work Ombudsman and Fair Work Commission.

Find out more about legalities

Worksafe Victoria – WorkWell Toolkit

The WorkWell Toolkit is a voluntary online tool. It uses a step by step approach to help employers promote mental health and prevent mental injury in the workplace through access to tailored tools and information.

Use the WorkWell Toolkit


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